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Lisanne Binette & Eva Richardson
Jardins bigarrés - Passages

Lisanne Binette & Eva Richardson
Jardins bigarrés - Passages
Lisanne Binette & Eva Richardson
Jardins bigarrés – Passages
Acrylic on birch wood and canevas – Oil painting and collage
Sunday, August 13 from 2 pm to 4 pm
Jardins bigarrés by Lisanne Binette is inspired by nature and land work. There is non-verbal dialogue taking place between her surroundings and her passion for painting in its materaility and colours. Through minimalist aesthetics, Binette tries to show the natural and cultivated components of a garden on another level than observed reality. “I am searching for spontaneity when I start painting as if it were the first one, and I disregard the rules of a traditional perspective. A Spanish proverb highlights this idea that a garden actually grows more than what the gardener planted. It is up to each individual to experience their own liveliness and come up with different interpretations of these paintings.”
Passages, by Eva Richardson, is a body of work that explores the interaction between the random and control. By adding and subtracting thin layers of paint Eva works the surfaces of her paintings to reveal different dynamics of movement and texture. Her collages, made from found materials such as old notebooks, packaging, envelopes and letters are inspired by materials that carry their own sense of history and embody the passage of time.
Eva Richardson studied painting and drawing at Concordia University and at the Glasgow School of Art in Scotland. She works and lives in Montréal.
The Gallery is open every day, from 10 am to 5 pm.