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From September 12 to October 20, 2024



Arts Sutton - Eric Daudelin, Braille-01
Braille-01, oil, clay and pigment on paper, 2019, 33 x 28,5 cm. Photo: Éric Daudelin



Photography, painting, sculpture

Vernissage, Sunday, September 15, at 2 p.m.

A delightful way of visualizing the world around us and sharing it with his contemporaries.

Observing. Watching. Always on the lookout for what goes unnoticed by most people – with rain, wind, and snow as his accomplices. Like a true detective, Éric Daudelin tracks down the smallest details of everyday life – like this vein of red earth he discovered at a road repair site in Auvergne. Or those navigation buoys along the St.-Lawrence River that are rarely seen from the road.

Everything else is invention, handicraft, combination, chemistry, or physics. Constructing and deconstructing – ultimately leading him to a truly protean corpus. Now, it’s up to the viewers to lose themselves in the colour and follow these ageless shades and patterns.

Éric Daudelin was born in 1948. After studies in architecture, he devoted himself initially to photography before extending his research to painting and sculpture. From his studies in architecture, he retains the beauty of the relationship between form and function. From his experience in photography, he retains a way of perceiving the big in the small and a way of magnifying light.

His research reveals his fascination with organization and systems. Seduced above all by matter and natural phenomena, his work is instinctive. With minimal means, he seeks to influence the way we see the world, since for him, art is everywhere. He observes through his all-seeing eye, then extracts his preferences and subtly manipulates them. For him, the back of a ceramic tile is as inspiring as the front: you just have to know how to see.

Based in Montréal, Éric has benefited from several residencies abroad. He exhibits in Québec as well as in Europe, and participates in major fairs (Papier, Page[s] and Arténîm). His works can be found in private and public collections, in museums (MACM, MNBAQ, MBAC) and in libraries (BAnQ, BNC, Bibliothèque publique de Dijon).
He is represented in Montréal by the Galerie Éric Devlin and the Galerie l’Onyx, and in Ottawa by the Galerie Jean-Claude Bergeron.