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October 05, 2024

Lecture and workshop

with Nathalie Cloutier

Land Art is about taking inspiration from the uniqueness of a place, then creating poetic spaces in harmony with the surrounding nature.

This fall, Arts Sutton’s special events committee is offering you a day of Land Art workshop in the forest, in an inspiring location in the heart of Sutton. Nothing less than a playful and poetic creative experience in the open air!

When: Saturday October 5 (postponed to October 6 in case of rain) • Lecture, from 9 am to noon, followed by in situ workshop, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: Sutton
Cost: $60 member • $70 non-members

The activity takes place in French, and the maximum number of participants is limited to 12 (who can work in teams of 2 or 3, or individually). Participants will receive all relevant information (preparations, materials, etc.) before the activity begins.

A lecture on the history and practice of Land Art artists, followed by a tour of the site and the choice of spaces for intervention, and finally a research/creation workshop, followed by the execution of the project in situ.

Register now, places are limited.

or info@artssutton.com or 450 538-2563

Marc Walter: Land art artist

An inspiring place to create…


The workshop will be led by Nathalie Cloutier , a visual artist and experienced trainer
with over thirty training courses to her credit.
It promises to be a fun and rewarding day!
We look forward to seeing you there!