Members’ Collective Exhibition


Submission Deadline: February 17, 2025, at midnight
Exhibition Dates: March 20 to April 13, 2025

Belonging, to a country, a region, a city, a village, a place, a group, or a movement. It is difficult to define this sense of belonging, but whether it is rooted in a territory or woven through psychological, social, or cultural ties, it deserves to be explored.

How is this attachment created, this recognition of being part of a whole? What unites us? Our shared histories, our common challenges, or perhaps simply a reflection of ourselves in others.

You are invited to submit your application for the members’ thematic collective exhibition titled Belonging. This annual event offers a unique platform to showcase the artistic talents of our community in the Arts Sutton exhibition space.

Information & Participation Criteria

  • Accepted Works – 2D and 3D works submitted must not have been exhibited at Arts Sutton in the past three years. The date of creation is not an eligibility criterion.
  • Maximum Dimensions –Artists presenting a 2D work have no width restriction, please note that walls are 2.74 m (9 ft) tall. Pedestals , ranging in size from 55.8 x 55.8 cm (22 x 22 in) to 30.5 x 30.5 cm (12 x 12 in), with heights varying between 78.7 cm (31 in) and 124.5 cm (49 in) are available for 3D works.
  • Number of works –It is possible to propose 1 to 4 works. If only one work is submitted, it will be presented alone. If more than one work is submitted, a selection will take place. Multiple works can be displayed vertically. Artists must submit photos of each work (1200 pixels maximum width, JPG format, max. 2 MB maximum per file).
    Important: File names must not contain accented characters, spaces, or special characters.
  • Accepted Techniques – No restrictions.
  • Presentation Requirements – 2D works must be dry, fixed, and ready to hang (wire and eyelet system preferred—please specify if using another method). 3D works must be easily transportable by one person
  • Descriptive Text – Each artist must provide a short text (max. 100 words) about their artistic approach in relation to the theme. This text, written in the first person ("I"), will be published on the website and in the gallery.
  • Membership Requirement – Applicants must be a current Arts Sutton member or become one at registration. The annual artist membership fee is $50. (Membership details here)

Selection Process

  • A jury composed of the artistic committee and an external guest will evaluate submissions based on:
    • Relevance to the theme
    • Quality of presentation
    • Available space
  • The number of accepted entries will depend on the format of the works selected.

Sales of works

  • The price of the works is set by the artist. A 35% commission will be retained on each sale to support the organization’s activities.


Arts Sutton est un organisme de bienfaisance enregistré qui œuvre depuis 1980 auprès de quelque 300 membres, parmi lesquel·les évoluent des artistes professionnel·les bien établi·es ou en début de carrière, des amateur·rices d’art et des personnes du milieu des affaires. C’est un lieu de rencontre et de réflexion, voué à la diffusion et au rayonnement de la création contemporaine en arts visuels dans toute sa richesse et sa diversité. Arts Sutton est géré bénévolement par un conseil d’administration et une employée. Sa mission est de :

  • valoriser la diffusion des œuvres d’artistes professionnel·les en art contemporain et actuel;
  • sensibiliser et éduquer les publics à travers diverses activités;
  • favoriser l’émergence de jeunes créateur·trices.

We look forward to discovering your unique interpretations of "Belonging" and celebrating the richness of your artistic creations! Thank you for being part of our dynamic artistic community.

Important Dates:
Selected artists will be notified during the week of March 1st, 2025.
Artwork drop-off date: Monday, March 17, 2025.

For any questions or assistance, please contact:

Ola Pilatowski – Coordonnator
Telephone: 450 538-2563

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