Espace Claire-Léger
Call For Submissions 2025
Submission Deadline: March 11, 2025, at midnight
Exhibition Dates: April 17 to May 18 – May 29 to June 29
Artist members of Arts Sutton, would you like to exhibit in the Claire-Léger space. This privilege is reserved for artists who are members in good standing of the gallery, across all artistic disciplines. We are looking for high-quality proposals that reflect the richness of contemporary and current art.
To give this space a more distinct personality, better suited to coexist with the exhibitions presented in Arts Sutton's main hall, the number of exhibitors will be limited to two or three members, depending on the selected applications. Additionally, we will systematically include artists' statements and biographies on the website and in the gallery. We believe that the works exhibited in the Claire-Léger space will thus be able to better dialogue with each other, and that artists will be better served by this format.
Information & Participation Criteria
- Age requirement – Applicants must be 18 years or older
- Accepted works – Works must not have been exhibited at Arts Sutton in the past three years. The date of creation is not a selection criterion
- Number of works – Each artist can submit 4 to 12 works by sending us photos that meet the requirements (1200 pixels wide max., JPG format, 2 MB maximum per file).
Important: File names must not contain accented characters, spaces, or special characters. - Accepted Techniques – No restrictions.
- Presentation Requirements – 2D works must be dry, fixed, and ready for wall hanging (wire and eyelet system preferred—please specify if other method is used). 3D works must be easily transportable by one person.
- Descriptive Text – Each artist must provide an artist statement and biography, written in the first person ("I"), with a maximum of 250 words. These texts will be displayed on the website and in the gallery.
- Membership Requirement – Applicants must be a current Arts Sutton member or become one at registration. The annual artist membership fee is $50. (Membership details here)
Selected artists will receive confirmation in the week of March 1st, 2025.
The drop-off dates for exhibition setup are April 14 and May 26, 2025.
Selection Process
A jury composed of the artistic committee and an external guest will evaluate applications based on the following criteria:
- Formal and pictorial quality of the works
- Cohesion of the body of work
- Relevance and engagement of content
- Diversity of approaches: abstract, figurative, painting, sculpture, craft
- Size of works and available space
Sales of works
The price of the works is set by the artist. A 35% commission will be retained on each sale to support the organization’s activities.
Arts Sutton est un organisme de bienfaisance enregistré qui œuvre depuis 1980 auprès de quelque 300 membres, parmi lesquel·les évoluent des artistes professionnel·les bien établi·es ou en début de carrière, des amateur·rices d’art et des personnes du milieu des affaires. C’est un lieu de rencontre et de réflexion, voué à la diffusion et au rayonnement de la création contemporaine en arts visuels dans toute sa richesse et sa diversité. Arts Sutton est géré bénévolement par un conseil d’administration et une employée. Sa mission est de :
- valoriser la diffusion des œuvres d’artistes professionnel·les en art contemporain et actuel;
- sensibiliser et éduquer les publics à travers diverses activités;
- favoriser l’émergence de jeunes créateur·trices.
For any questions or assistance, please contact:
Ola Pilatowski – Coordonnator
Telephone: 450 538-2563